Facts You Should Understand About Non Surgical Gum Therapy

Depending on the type of condition you have, dental surgery may not be necessary. There are a number of scenarios that call for the use of some form of non surgical gum therapy . the only way to know what works best is to be examined by your dentist.
When looking for a dental professional, always ask friends and others “do you know a dentist near me who treats gum disease?" It won’t take long to find a professional who can determine the best way to deal with your gum condition. In the interim, here are some facts that you should know.
What Sort of Gum Disease Can Be Treated Without Surgery?
The use of non surgical gum therapy in Richmond Hill is common when the condition is not advanced. Gingivitis is a prime example of a gum disease that can be successfully treated without undergoing surgery. This particular condition is caused by a collection of plaque along the gum line. The collection ultimately causes inflammation of the tissue by producing toxins that irritate the gums.
Along with some swelling, you are likely to notice a little bleeding when you brush your teeth. There may also be some tenderness or soreness that you notice when trying to floss. Fortunately, it's not hard to find dentist who can use a simple approach to gum therapy to remove the buildup of plaque and soothe the inflammation.
Using Localized Medication is a First Line of Defense
One approach to non surgical gum therapy is to administer some type of localized or topical medication. The medicine may be in the form or an ointment that’s applied directly to the gum tissue surrounding the teeth. It may also be introduced using some sort of injection. The goal is to ease any discomfort the patient feels while also treating the underlying inflammation. This may be all it takes to eliminate the problem in some cases.
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The Use of Scaling and Root Planing May Be Necessary Too
Your dental professional may decide that a combination of scaling and root planing is needed to cure the gum infection. While some people confuse these two procedures, they are actually quite different. Scaling removes buildup found on the surface of the tooth. This is important, since it could be contributing to the gum inflammation. Root planing involves removing bacteria that has built up just below the gum surface. If your condition is more advanced but not yet to the point that surgery is required, this combination will remove the cause. Following with the use of localized medication would then eliminate the gum disease.
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Using a Tray Delivery System at Home
There’s another approach to administering medication away from the dental clinic. This is especially helpful if it will take several rounds to bring your condition under control.
The customized tray is made by taking an impression of your teeth. Following the instructions that come with the tray, you would administer medication by filling the tray, placing it over the affected area, and closing your mouth to hold it in place for a specified period of time.
Not all dental professionals will use this form of non surgical therapy. That’s because there is some difference among dental professionals about how effective this approach happens to be.
If you have not had any type of dental treatment in some time, start asking your friends and others “can you recommend a dentist near me in Richmond Hill?” After the initial exam, you will know if there is any type of gum disease present, and if a non surgical method will eliminate the problem.