My Teeth Are Crooked, How to Straighten Teeth - Here are Some Ways!

When you look in the mirror, it’s impossible to avoid noticing that your teeth are not straight. The question is what will you do about the situation. Thanks to advances in the field of dentistry, there are several different approaches to straightening crooked teeth that you can consider. With the help of your dentist, you can explore the potential of each one. Here are a few to help you get started.
Metal Braces
No discussion about how to straighten teeth would be complete without discussing conventional metal braces. This is the solution often chosen for children since it’s effective and ensures teeth look their best once the straightening is done.
What you may not realize is that adults can also wear metal braces. Like the kids, you will need to learn the proper way to take care of the braces. That includes mastering the art of brushing your teeth, what foods to avoid, and making time to go in for adjustments as your teeth begin to shift into proper alignment. If your work position does not mean you have to be in front of the public often, this solution may work just fine. For those who do work with customers often, there are other approaches that will also do the job.
Concealed Braces
Sometimes referred to as lingual braces, concealed braces are designed to fit behind the teeth rather than on the front side. Like traditional metal braces, this solution must be worn around the clock. They will only come off after your teeth are straight and the dentist is sure they are firmly in position. While this approach to teeth straightening is less noticeable, concealed braces tend to cost a little more. The position of the braces may also mean you have to be more careful about scratching the tongue. Some people also find it more difficult to enunciate properly.
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Retainers that you wear at night is also something to consider. Some designs are also intended for wear during the day. They are typically made using a combination of metal and plastic. The custom design slips over your teeth and remains in position until you remove them.
The nice thing about retainers is you can remove them to eat and brush your teeth. Some of the drawbacks include the fact that they will only work for certain types of alignment issues. If the retainer is not capable of straightening all your teeth, a different solution would be best.
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Invisible Aligners
Invisible aligners are designed to gradually shift your teeth into proper alignment. Like retainers, you can wear them around the clock. In fact, most dentists recommend that you only take them out for meals. The goal is to wear the aligner for 22 out of the 24 hours of every day.
Over time, you will move from one aligner to the next in the sequence. Your family dentist will know when the time comes to make a change, based on the current position of the teeth. Once you complete the series, your smile will be composed of perfectly straight teeth.
Make the most of modern dental technology and have those crooked teeth straightened. No matter what your situation, there is a solution that will accomplish the task and leave you with a brilliant smile.