
For one reason or another, you never had your teeth straightened as a child. While you may think there is nothing that can be done now, the fact is many adults are fitted with braces. If you don’t like the idea of traditional braces, we have a solution: Invisalign. 

Your invisalign Clear aligners are custom-made for you. The aligners are virtually invisible and fit snugly over your teeth. Each Aligner shifts your teeth slightly, moving them horizontally and vertically and even rotating them when needed. Your aligners are engineered to use the right amount of force in the right place at the right time. 

When you change to the next set of aligners (typically every 2 weeks) your teeth gradually move into position, following a custom treatment plan mapped out by your doctor.

Remember that orthodontists and other dental professionals are always happy to answer any questions their patients have on their minds. Never assume your question is so minor that your dental professional doesn’t have the time to deal with it.

Don’t live with those crooked teeth another day. If you’re ready to give your smile a brand new life with Invisalign, our experts are at your service. Call us at 905-884-8282 and arrange for a visit. There’s a good chance that Invisalign will be the ideal way to straighten those teeth and give you the smile that you’ve always wanted.